Posted on internet : Repl,Github and CodeSandbox
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Some Major Projects I have worked upon:✨
Gentle UI is a Component + Utility UI library that provides readymade, beautiful and responsive components to fast track any website's development. It provides classes with good naming conventions that are easy to understand.
Eleganz Store has some of the features that normally an eCommerce website has. With a beautiful UI, Sorting/Filtering of casual clothes, saving them to your wishlist and cart even when you are offline or not persistent log in, and payment integration using Razorpay.
Polo Extension has a beautiful UI for onboarding the user and welcoming with a neat dashboard, giving the user details of the task to be achieved for the day with quotes and natural backgrounds for motivating/refreshing the user.Can be used on browsers.
UNOTE is a fully functional notes application that provides the users to create & manage their notes (through update/delete options) as well as provides note customization options through color,labels & priority. Archive & Trash management options on the notes are also available with custom filters options that can be applied on the notes.
MI-STREAM is a fully functional video streaming platform for mock interviews of different professions. Features: User personalised features like watch later & playlist management. Users can view their watch history as well as manage their liked videos list as per their desires.
Confetti Starter Kit is a webpack configured to create modern Javascript web applications with confetti support.
Some Cool Mini Stuff done by me✨
A Javascript CLI app about me made using readline-sync and chalk dependencies
Take this CLI quiz(made using Javascript and readline-sync and chalk dependencies) to check how much of an A Team fan are you?
Minion Fan!!Use this translator app to translate your english sentences to minion language
Love Hodor!!Try this translator app to speak with Hodor and communicate further
An emoji interpreter application for identifying different professions.
A recommendation application for movies in different genres.
This application returns the number of notes an individual will get in change while paying the bills.
This application takes your birth date and a number from you and will show whether that number is lucky or not with your birthday.
This application collection allows an individual to calculate area of a triangle,hypotenuse of a right angled triangle,check whether the given angles form a triangle or not and a quiz to test your knowledge on triangles.
This application takes your birthdate and checks whether it's a palindrome or not.
This application takes certain details related to the stocks(quantity,cost price and current price) and tells us whether it's a profit or loss.